Boston Dynamics originally focused on developing human simulation software used to train law enforcement. 该公司最初致力于开发用来训练执法人员的拟人仿真软件。
Corrosion Behavior of Mg-Li Alloy in Human Body Simulation Sweat 镁锂合金在人体模拟汗液中的腐蚀行为
A human simulation intelligent controller is discussed in this paper which can adjust parameters on line according to the different error. 以生活水站控制为背景,讨论一种参数自校正的仿人智能控制器。
Human Simulation Intelligent Control with multi-mode on water level of boiler 锅炉汽包水位的多模态仿人智能控制
3D Human Motion Simulation and a Video Analysis System for Sports Training 体育训练三维人体运动模拟与视频分析系统
Then the corrected and transferred motion data can be adopted to drive the 3 dimensional high fidelity human simulation model and can be applied to solider training in virtual battlefield environment and rescuer simulation application, and get good effect. 修正及转换过的运动数据能够很好地驱动三维高逼真度人体仿真模型,并应用于战场环境士兵仿真以及救援操作作业人员的仿真应用,取得良好效果。
The Research and Application of the Single-impulse Human Simulation Intelligent Control for the Water-level of Boiler 工业锅炉汽包水位单冲量仿人智能控制的研究及应用
Human simulation is an important new technique in lab teaching of modern stomatological education. However, in our country inadequate research has been conducted on the practice teaching system of human simulation in stomatological teaching. 仿生模拟是现代口腔医学实验课教学的重要新教学技术,国内尚缺乏仿生模拟实践教学体系的研究。
Medium Consistency Pulp Simulation Human Intelligent Control Based on the model of Human Simulation Intelligent Controller ( HSIC) 纸浆中浓仿人智能控制在简要给出的仿人智能控制器模型基础之上,采用仿人智能控制器的设计方法,详细阐述了针对伺服对象的仿人智能控制算法,并对算法进行了仿真验证。
This paper proposed the framework and main contents of the practice curriculum by studying the application of human simulation technique in stomatological multi-courses at Dental Preclinical Training Center. 本文以教学实验中心为平台,以口腔多课程仿生模拟技术应用为研究对象,提出了口腔仿生模拟实践教学体系的框架及主要内容。
A SCADA system for the water and steam quality control of the thermal system in power plants is introduced, which adopts the PID ( Proportion Integration Differential) control algorithm with human intelligence simulation. 介绍了一种应用于热力系统水汽品质控制的SCADA系统,它采用了仿人工智能PID控制算法。
In order to develop the realistic virtual human adapted to computer aided ergonomics design, this paper ana-lyzes the background of virtual human study and presents the way of virtual human simulation based on H-anim. 虚拟人是产品人机设计中的有效辅助手段,是计算机辅助人机设计的基础。本文分析了虚拟人研究现状,提出了基于H-anim标准的虚拟人仿真。
The collectivity layout of human biomechanics simulation analysis system 人体运动生物力学仿真分析系统总体规划
In this paper the basic ideas and method to design HSIC ( Human Simulation Intelligent Controller) are explored based on the reference [ 1.2]. Design procedures are described for servo system's control. The simulation results for the algorithm of intelligent controller are also given. 本文在文献〔1,2〕提出的仿人智能控制理论的基础之上,探索了设计其仿人智能控制器的基本思想和方法,并以伺服控制为例阐明了设计的步骤及其仿真实验结果。
The Human Thought Simulation and Its Hierarchy-coordination Structure Model 人类思维模拟及其分层-协调结构模型
Human factors simulation is an important tool for human-centered manufacturing systems design and analysis. 人因仿真是对制造系统进行人因分析的重要手段。
The thesis mainly introduced the PID controller based on the Human Simulation Intelligent control algorithm. Firstly, in the Matlab simulation environment, the author analysed and proved the advantage of the Human Simulation Intelligent PID control algorithm over the traditional PID control algorithm. 本文主要介绍基于仿人智能控制的PID控制器,先在Matlab仿真环境下,以控制锅炉汽包水位为例,简单分析证明了仿人智能PID控制算法较传统的PID算法的优越性。
In order to make human motion simulation more realistic in Virtual Reality on PC platform, this paper introduces an improved method of modeling human body as a tree with constraint joints. 为了能在基于PC平台的虚拟现实中实现更具真实感的人体运动仿真,该文提出一种改进的约束求解方法,将人体建模为基于约束关节树的骨骼结构。
A Human Simulation Intelligent PID Control Algorithm for Non-Linear Time-Variant Systems with Delay 时滞非线性时变系统的仿人PID控制算法
A Study on Human Simulation Intelligent Control Algorithm to a Category of Objects 一类对象的仿人智能控制算法
An On-line Parameter Adjusting Human Simulation Intelligent Controller 一种参数在线自校正的仿人智能控制器
The Research on Virtual Human Crowds Simulation 虚拟人群仿真技术的研究
Underwater Human Model Simulation Based on ADAMS 基于ADAMS的水下人体模型仿真
In order to develop the realistic virtual Human adapted to web-based customization design, it is presented the way of virtual human simulation based on H-anim, and fulfilled the parametric geometrical model and Joint animation of virtual human according to the joint architecture defined by H-anim. 为实现适合网络定制设计的虚拟人仿真,提出基于H-anim的虚拟人仿真方法。
Precision vulcanization control of rubber products based on human simulation intelligence 仿人智能橡胶制品的精密硫化控制
VIRTUAL REALITY TECHNOLOGY AND HARMONIC HUMAN MACHINE SIMULATION ENVIRONMENT Simulator is a complex man-in-the loop real-time simulation system. 仿真器是一个复杂的人&机实时仿真系统。
Research on the construction of practice teaching system of human simulation in stomatological education 口腔仿生模拟实践教学体系的探索和实践
Reference model and key technology for human factors simulation in manufacturing systems 制造系统人因仿真参考模型及若干关键技术
The problem is widely used in mobile robotics, geographic information systems, virtual human simulation and other fields. 该问题广泛应用于移动机器人、地理信息系统、虚拟人仿真等众多领域。
When exploiting a virtual human simulation application system, generating the normal walking of the virtual human is the primary task. 在各种虚拟人仿真应用系统开发中,生成虚拟人的正常行走是首要任务。